It was official on 1947, Feb, 20 - C & L Minds

It was official on 1947, Feb, 20

The most crucial date in the history of modern India is August 1947, 15! But before that.. the whole country was jumped out of joy.. There is one thing that has been celebrated. That was February 1947, 20.

No matter how long the struggle was.. No matter how many revolts.. Thousands of people were killed.. An unmerciful English government.. Suddenly "We are leaving India" he officially announced. British Prime Minister Clement Richard Attlee It was the day when it was revealed that Sun was about to set in the English Empire.

World War II is over. Britain won. However, Churchill was defeated in the election. Attlee's Labor Party came to power. From the very beginning.. The Labor Party, which has a positive attitude towards India, and Attlee have started putting their idea into practice. The deterioration of Britain's economic situation due to the war; the English found it difficult to maintain control over India as political and military control in India also became difficult. Before the situation worsened and he had to withdraw humiliatingly.. It was decided that it should be better to leave with dignity. The differences between the Congress and the Muslim League in India over the drafting of the Constitution and the partition of the country are yet to be resolved. The English were determined to get rid of India somehow. It is noteworthy that the announcement on the exit was made without taking a decision on the partition of the country.

The announcement reads that 200 years of British rule is about to come to an end. India's pieces(not just India and Pakistan.. There are also indications that there are possibilities of becoming free for the princely states). We're going to say goodbye.. The English government shook it hands and said, "You have to decide whether you will stay independent or meet with either of the countries. 

Even if there is division.. Even if it doesn't happen..

On February 1947, 20, British Prime Minister Attlee made a key announcement at the House of Representatives in London.

"The proposal to grant autonomy to one or two countries received a positive response from the major political parties of India in a meeting with the Viceroy a few days ago. Accordingly, by June 1948, 30, we are going to hand over the power of British India into the hands of a responsible Government.

For a long time, the Idea of the British Government was to transfer power in accordance with the aspirations of the people of India. But if there was proper coordination and agreement between the Indian political parties, it would have gone smoothly. But because there is no such situation.. It was the British government that prepared a plan for the transfer of power. Britain has no intention of drafting a new constitution for India. We make it clear that it is the responsibility of the people of India. Moreover, there is also no program in our plan to hold talks to keep India together. The constituent Assembly in India has already started functioning. The Muslim League is yet to participate in the House. Representatives of which region do not approve.. It is clear that the new constitution will not be implemented in those areas. But in view of the territorial peculiarities, would Bengal, Pujnab, Sindh, Balochistan, Assam and the north-western states want the existing constituent Assembly? It has to be decided whether a new assembly should be set up or if the country will remain in India in the event of partition.

By June 1948, Britain would withdraw from India. Even if there is no compromise between the Indian political parties at that time.. Even if nothing is settled, the British Government transfers power to one or two governments and leaves. A government formed on the lines of the central government.. Or in some areas we will transfer power to s state governments(Muslim-majority areas that are not represented in the Constituent Assembly). Power over the princely states cannot be given to the new governments. Lord Mountbatten will replace Lord Wavell as Viceroy of India. The transfer of power will be monitored."

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